That recommendations do not include excess of weight, avoid alcohol and drink which contain some sugar and do not eat meat in the form of bacon or ham. Each person must intend to thin as possible without becoming too thin
People with weight index, BMI, the formula that takes into account height and weight, between 18.5 and 25, is seen in the healthy weight range. However, this research says, the risk will be increase if the numbers approaching 25 and every person should be close as possible to limit down.
The most comprehensive
This document does not include new research. Panel review 7000 existing research for five years. According to them, the results of this investigation is the most comprehensive selection of specific lifestyle choice risk.
They see body fat as a key factor in the development of cancer, and estimate that fat have important meaning which is greater than previously suspected.
The report compiler said, they submit a list of advice, rather than mandatory. "However, if people are interested to reduce the risk of cancer, so follow the instruction is the way to do it," said Professor Martin Wiseman, who participate in preparing the report.
"Cancer is not fate, that is the risk of problem, and you can adjust the risk was with your behavior. It is important that people feel they are in control of what they do, "added Professor Martin Wiseman, the report compiler.
However, two thirds of suspected cases of cancer not related to lifestyle, and not many people that can be applied to prevent cancer in such conditions.
However, more than three million of the 10 million cancer is diagnosed in worldwide each year could be prevented if the recommendations are fulfilled, said Professor Wiseman.
The following health experts to give recommendations. Restrict of red meat. Limit of alcohol consumption also or avoid. Avoid bacon, ham, and other processed meat products. Avoid sugar beverage and body weight may not increase after 21. Sport, or at least move the body every day. Give children ASI for breastfeeding women. Do not consume food supplements to overcome of cancer.
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