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Kamis, 16 Juli 2009


The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of is certainly no exception.

The combination of breast lift and breast augmentation to reduce or eliminate problems related chest. A breast lift and breast augmentation procedure, women can feel better about their appearance, because they no longer have to think about how their breasts are not seen as good as they once did.

Deflection, the worst that can happen in the vision of women in the breast. Men have a number of places in which to see the beauty in breasts is - some men like big breasts, some as small number of complainants, while some of the more subtle such as a box with less network. But one thing is certain: the people do not like the soft breasts. This is the reason why women with breast cancer, you lose confidence and try to find immediate solutions to this situation.

The size of the breast is a very emotional issue for most women. In the chest, such as sensitive and are part of the image of women, it is an effect on the women themselves. Improper breast dimensions have a negative impact on the perception of women femininity.

Created as a result of the premature stretching Cooper's ligaments that help suspend and support the breast. This can happen after pregnancy and weight loss. That began to decline in the chest a number of young women are changing the overall size of the breast after the baby. A woman generally larger breasts and engorged with milk in preparation for breastfeeding. After breastfeeding ends, he may not be healthy breasts again.

Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there's more to than you may have first thought.

Another way is to use breast enlargement pills. Pills consist of herbal ingredients, which are approved by the FDA as safe. Pills contain herbs known to help breast enlargement. This plant has been used for centuries before for the same purpose. Some complaints can stomach the pill.

One of the benefits of breast augmentation for scarring is usually minimal. It is a small fragment of the fragment is made, and most can be hidden. A breast lift, but there is more scar tissue that may be difficult to hide, depending on the amount of the reduction to be made and the amount of skin tightening.

Some of the myths that breast implants, including the prevention of the mammogram, breast implants cause cancer, need replacement in ten years, and the inability to breast-feeding post-operatively. Own Silicone or saline breast implants do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Screening for breast cancer including monthly self breast exams, mammograms and annual checks by the health provider is recommended. Always the mammography technician that you have breast implants for the test.

The possibility of making ganda Bubble deformation or reduction in the ptotic breast. Because the implants are held on the muscle, then the network can decrease breast as a separate entity. This position can double bubble. This can be avoided by lifting the network to reduce breast and centering on the breast implant.

While breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed today, some women fear that they may be too old for surgery. Before you dismiss this potentially beneficial procedure, more information about what the good doctor and the patient have to say about the age and breast enlargement

This article's coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.

Senin, 08 Juni 2009


The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with .

An interesting alternative cancer drugs derived from the seeds, leaves, bark and trunk of the South American plant Annona muricata, commonly known as Graviola. In fact, there are many other plants in this genus, different from the results are very powerful cytotoxic substances. This is especially effective against prostate and pancreatic cancer, and even work against lung cancer.

Most of the research on Graviola focuses on a new set of phytochemicals called annonaceous acetogenins (annonaceous only way Graviola plant form). Anti-tumor properties and strong pesticide annonaceous acetogenins have been reported and patented.

Purdue University has done much research on annonaceaous acetogenins, much has been funded by the National Cancer Institute and / or the National Institute of Health (none of the clinical trial, note).

In 1997, Purdue University published information with promising news that a number of Annonaceous acetogenins: â € œnot only effective in killing tumors that have proven resistant to anti-cancer, but also seem to have a special affinity groups to cells.â €?

In several interviews after the published information, the head pharmacologist in Purdue € ™ s Purdueâ Research explains that cancer cells that survive chemotherapy can develop resistance to the agent originally used against them and for others, even, medicines.

â € œThe term multi-drug resistance (MDR) has been applied to this phenomenon, â €? he said. He explained that in the small resistance of cancer cells when they develop a â € OEP-glycoprotein mediated pumpâ €? able to stimulate anti-cancer agent from the cells before they can kill.

â € œA multi-drug resistant cell requires a large amount of energy to run pumps and reject anything out of the cell, â €? Purdue head pharmacolgist he said. â € œWhen we mess with the supply of energy, he kills the cells! â €?

Most of this information comes straight from the pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.

You will hear claims that fun in the Purdue study showed that acetogenin in Graviola was selectively cytotoxic to colon adenocarcinoma cells in which the potential 10,000 times adriamycin (a chemotherapy drug).

What Dr X.X. Liu and colleagues in 1999, actually has stated that: â € œAnnoglacins A and B are 1000 and 10,000 times respectively more selective than Adriamycin against human breast carcinoma (MCF-7) and pancreatic carcinoma (PACA -2) cell lines in our panel of six human solid tumor cell lines.â €?

But this is annoglacins, from a tree at a time! (Annona glabra, a tree, called the Polynesian pond or alligator apple).

There is no question, but the power of the derivatives Annona species. Another study showed that six acetogenins (four known and two newly discovered) exhibited significant activity in cytotoxic tests against two human hepatoma cell line [J Nat Prod. April 2002, 65 (4) :470-5].

Another research in the Skaggs Scientific Report 1997-1998 states, â € œAnnonaceous acetogenins, particularly those with adjacent bis-tetrahydrofuran (THF) rings, have remarkable cytotoxic, anti-tumor, anti-mala rial, immunosuppressive, pesticidal and antifeedant activities.

Mode of action studies in three separate laboratories showed that acetogenins are superb inhibitors of mitochondrial electron transport system and a network of various organisms including tumors. Mitochondria are energy machine in the living cell, so that the screws of the mechanism, which is due to a disaster impact on cells.

Great, something that Graviola is pretty non-toxic (not like chemo). Dose needed to kill cancer cells are in progress which damage the cells of healthy people.

As MD with more than 30 years of experience prescribing cancer alternative solutions (not just plants) Graviola I recommend everyone fight cancer. But remember what you get in the capsules purchased in May on the internet little relation to the strength of materials used in the process.

Of course, it's impossible to put everything about into just one article. But you can't deny that you've just added to your understanding about , and that's time well spent.

Rabu, 03 Juni 2009


The following article presents the very latest information on . If you have a particular interest in , then this informative article is required reading.

Breast cancer - Prevention and treatment of breast cancer, the growth of malignant cells in breast cancer is most common in women. This happens rarely in breast cancer, but men are usually in a Susú duct, although it may occur in the lobules or milk production, more rarely, solid particles in the network of the breast. A breast tumor is not life-threatening in itself, but there is a high risk that the cancer will spread to other organs through the lymph nodes or blood, so early detection is important. In 90 percent of the cases only one breast exposed, while those breast cancer is one of the increased risk of developing any of the other. In all cases, early detection and treatment significantly improve the prospects drugs.

Prevention and healing also varies depending on the patient's choice of conventional or alternative medicine. For balance, we should see the first conventional prevention:

Now that we've covered those aspects of , let's turn to some of the other factors that need to be considered.

* Mammograms can detect tumors are too small to feel. Women are more than 50 years of mammograms, and those aged between 40 and 50 to discuss risk factors with their physician to determine when to start mammography. Testing should be done by the radiologist mammography or by a special mammography centers recognized by the American College of Radiology. List of accredited centers is available from the National Cancer Institute in the 1-800-4 cancer. * Women should do monthly breast exams are the best two or three days after menstruation ends). Breast tissue is usually fairly thick and not flat, so it is important to become familiar with the normal size and structure of the breast. Changes in the structure and appearance is easily detectable. * Regular exercise and maintaining body weight may increase the risk postmenopausal breast cancer. * Women are at increased risk of breast cancer in May to take advantage of Chemoprevention Prevention with tamoxifen therapy for 5 years. The decision to undergo chemo prevention, the individual must be made after discussion of risks and benefits with your doctor. * Women with a strong family history of breast cancer may consider genetic testing for breast cancer genes, women with a positive test in May increased surveillance for both breast and ovarian cancer, or their breasts or ovaries.

Now the medicine and treatment:

* Surgery is required to remove the tumor. Patients are given the possibility of an operation is required at the time of biopsy or operation is prohibited. Depending on how far cancer has spread, delete operation involves only the mass or the fixed or the whole breast, which may consist of the removal of surrounding lymph nodes. If the tumor has a network of muscles under the breasts, the removal of the chest muscles and tissues that can be recommended. * Terapi radiation after surgery may be necessary to prevent the spread of cancer, especially if the lymph nodes affected. * Chemotherapy may be needed before and after surgery to prevent further spread of cancer. The treatment lasts from six months to one year. * Hormonal therapy can be prescribed after surgery for estrogen receptor-positive tumors * reconstruction plastic surgery for women who have partial or whole breast removed. Women can reconstruction surgery at the same time as the operation to the tumor or in the future. * And last but not the best alternative to less breast cancer - prevention and cure, as determined by the "one minute cure for all diseases" We all know that prevention is getting the medicine for the people. Claiming that is simple, research shows that when cells from the 35% level of oxygen required for 48 hours, to be cancer. Most people do not know is that not only the lack of oxygen that cause cancer, but also lead to the disease. When the body is included with the amount of oxygen is abundant, there are no cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, micro-organisms and pathogens can survive because they can not survive in a highly oxygenated environment.

I hope that reading the above information was both enjoyable and educational for you. Your learning process should be ongoing--the more you understand about any subject, the more you will be able to share with others.

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009


Have you ever wondered if what you know about is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on .

There was a time when the main victims of breast cancer is a white, progressive women. Disease, but only for those that afflict women in community development. Breast cancer in May be limited in the past, but today is breast cancer has changed. In Asia, Africa and the Middle East, breast cancer is increasing in the price level. Only in the last decade, rates of breast cancer in less developed countries have increased as much as seven times. A large increase in the rates of breast cancer in less developed countries quickly put an end to the rich, white stereotype of women.

Now that we've covered those aspects of , let's turn to some of the other factors that need to be considered.

In 2020, estimated that 70% of breast cancer worldwide will come from people living in developing countries. Some reasons for this change is best, because of sanitation and disease control. With the increase of technology in developing countries have extended the life of the lower and middle class residents. Because breast cancer affects the old population, a longer span of life is part of why the level of increase in breast cancer in developing countries. More reasons why the level of breast cancer in developing countries can increase because of the spread of Western habits. Habits such as fat diet and lack of exercise can lead to higher rates of breast cancer.

While the world deals with rates of breast cancer, has established a global effort to combat breast cancer. Susan G. Comment for the Cure is an advocacy group with 125 affiliates worldwide. The group is preparing an action plan to fight against breast cancer 31 countries. Breast cancer is a growing problem, but many people come together to combat the disease.

Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what's important about .

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009


Want to know what is wrong with him? This report may provide information about everything you ever wanted to know about.

More in luggage, not the light of what causes routine breast cells to become cancer. Doctors know that only 5 percent to 10 percent of breast cancer is inherited. Families who have a genetic defect in one of two genes, the genes for breast nightmare 1 (BRCA1) or breast sarcoma gene 2 (BRCA2), are much more dangerous that the development of breast and ovarian toxicity. Other inherited mutations - with ataxia-telangiectasia mutated gene in the examination phase kinase-2 (Chek-2) and the p53 suppressor gene growth - which is also expected to be advanced breast tumor. If one of the genes of his family to send, you have a 50 percent chance of having the gene.

Inflammatory breast affected the participation of many outbreaks of the breast skin of the breast. This is sorted by the pest, but up 4% of all breast cancer diagnosed each year in the United States. Body symptoms of inflammatory breast enter rosiness melanoma of the skin of the chest and a boiling point of the breast. In some pockets, is a package in May.

Types of Breast Cancer

Tumor grade: If the melanoma is dangerous and font, the pathologist to give a grade. Class based on the proximity of the cells in the test-educated bandanna as breast tissue under the microscope. The classification of information, combined with the group to enter, to help your doctor make a selection handling.

If you base what you do on inaccurate information, may be unpleasantly surprised by the consequences. Be sure to get the entire history of information sources.

Tubular carcinoma of breast is a pest to get their name from the plague in the cells under a microscope. Although it is a bad and dangerous to the breast, the light is better and it is dangerous for the invasive ductal carcinoma or lobular carcinoma.

Metaplastic carcinoma false except Met carcinoma accounts for 1 percent of all new diagnoses of breast cancer. Injury is likely to continue and which contains the location of different types of cells that normally are not visible in the form of poor sucking. Prognosis and treatment for the invasive ductal carcinoma.

Lobular carcinoma in situ not sarcoma. However, this is a sign that the woman who has 6 to 7 times more likely to progress to melanoma, the presence of him, a woman who has no LCIS: the same risk if her mother and sister both.

Most of the packages from the point of fibrocystic changes. The name "fibrocystic" refers to fibrosis and cysts. Fibrosis is the formation of fiber (such as injuries or) scarf, cysts and bags filled with liquid. Fibrocystic changes may begin to grow and chest pain. This often happens before a stage is created. May your breasts are uneven, and sometimes you can see a little boring Filmy or nipple discharge.

There is no doubt that the issue may be interesting. If you still have questions about the calls, you can find what you want in the next article.

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009


If you are seriously interested in learning about, we must look beyond the fundamentals. This informative article takes a closer look at the things you should know about.

Facts that have been affected by the officer between 5-10% of the genetic structure of the breast due to the threat of an individual. Although the percentage seems relatively low, the actual number is high enough to quickly many men and women to make repeated examinations. Yes, even men can hire breast sarcoma. This only happens about 7%, as regularly as women, but does not occur and kill 12,000 people every year.

Therefore, a simple woman who improve opportunities in relation to breast cancer in men 133:1. A system that indicates that it is most likely a substantial percentage of high estrogen and progesterone in women. These hormones play in the position of the mass and it is difficult to prove that when moving out of control, such as breast oxide.

One of the genetic characteristics of a part of the surface will probably not see a genetic first is the rise of companies that accompanies aging. Grow, and the results of what is on the way, is influenced by genetics of an individual. Researchers have determined that genetics determines the physiology of the individual and the opportunities in this important task in the process of aging.

Approximately 17% of breast cancer, and damage that occurs to women in the 40s. However, a huge 78% of the disease in their 50 years or more. Not surprising that, for now. It is always more to learn about cancer can get the old one. The treatment does not have a tour of all the testimony, however. It is incorrect to say that 78% of women 50 or older get breast disaster. At present, the amount of approximately 1 in 12 or only 8%.

If you are confused by what you have to read this, do not despair. Everything must be clear when finished.

A leader does not jeopardize the genetic factors derived from normal genes, show that comes from genetic mutations. The day to day is marked genetic mutations BRCA1 and BRCA1. Genes play a role in making this examination of an abnormal protein, the tumor cells. Mutations or changes in the ability of genes to improve the door so the door of opportunity to increase the recruitment of breast sarcoma. Some investigations have determined that changes have been made about the dangers of each breast to develop in the face of up to 80%.

In general, mutations that are inherited and not how a person's environment, diet or other factors that can be controlled. Tizón breast that women have been the mother of a larger effort to develop on their own terms. Of course, women do not inherit the genes of the brothers, but they have siblings who have contracted the disease does not increase over time.

Additional genes that can be modified to perform the function of ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutation). This implies that the gene plays in the position of the DNA strands reimbursed. The pile of toxic breast is doubled when the other Chek-2 gene mutation. Mutations in the p53 gene is probably due to the fuel plant in the suppression of tumor growth. Fortunately, all this happens, it is likely very low.

Until advances in gene therapy, something that can not be men or women to make changes in the genes that dice. However, it is able to explain the factors that meant the information required to make a diagnosis. Knowing that you have the bank account of a family that includes individuals with Cowden syndrome, for example, give you more reasons for initial and repeated examinations.

You can not predict when knowing something about the extra help will come. If you learn something new about the keyword% in this article, you must submit the article where you can find it again.

Senin, 11 Mei 2009


When most people think of , what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to than just the basics.

Breast augmentation does not have to be expensive. Breast implants usually cost anywhere from $ 2000 to $ 10,000, depending on a number of factors. Costs average around $ 4000. You can expect to pay more for implants in large metropolitan areas, particularly New York and Los Angeles.

A cheap place to do the operation you are in the southern part of the country. If you ask about the price, you ask whether it is planting, or both. This may appear obvious, but this simple mistake could mean that the cost twice, if you get your bill! It is important to ensure that you have all the details discussed.

Some things that price
$ 2-10,000 is a large area. Yes, what factors affect the price?
First, the nature of the implant is a difference. Silicone implants cost more than salt. You can expect to pay about $ 1,000 per implant, although this varies somewhat depending on location. Other important factor is the price. Implants usually cost about $ 1000 own a piece.
Anesthesia is usually $ 500 to $ 800, and the cost of the hospital, usually around $ 1000. Drugs in your recovery is also on the cost. Make sure you include all of the bids so no surprises. A leading clinic, you get all the information you need to forward.

Some years after your implants, you want a follow-up. This will include MRI, which usually cost around 2000 U. S. Dollar. Do not think that this is an optional cost! The objective of this follow-up visits is to ensure that the implants is not damaged. This is an important safety measure, so do not try to cut costs by not doing it!

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about .

Breast implants and insurance

Many people say it is difficult to finance their implants. Health insurance almost never pay for breast enlargement. In cases where the operation for breast reconstruction after mastectomy, coverage is sometimes available.

Although close to breast enlargement, this is usually not linked to health problems that may happen as a result of the operation, follow-up appointments or MRI of. Make sure your real and not included in the plan.

In the face, there akan health plan, if you have chest premium work. They view it as a risk, even though breast implants are more secure than ever before at that time. Your health can be considered as one of this, so be sure to read both the print and know where they stand.
How much should you pay?

You can not really an award for quality breast jobs. If a doctor says he will work on a ridiculously low price, it is a good idea to find another place. This is not worth the risk to the clinic, which can not be trusted, or to save money.

A breast-poor work in the end cost you more because you need a repair action, operation, or bad implants removed. When shopping for a clinic, do not worry as much about the cost of quality they offer.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Senin, 04 Mei 2009


Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with ? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you've ever wanted to know about .

During the human body consists of cells that the genetic material of their own country. In a healthy body, cells divide in this controlled speed, growth and repair of damaged cells and replace dead cells. This level of cell division is committed to our body healthy. If the cells continue to multiply, if no new need, a mass of networks, often known as a tumor, which was formed. This can be either benign or malignant tumor.

Benign tumors and cancer across the body. Tumors not caused by a benign threat to health, not metastasize, and not grow back if removed. Tumors of cancer is serious and is usually severe. Often they can be life threatening. Tumors grow uncontrolled severe, with the normal metabolism and organ function, and has the ability to metastasize and invade other network.

If part of the cell? S-DNA is damaged, can abnormal cells. When abnormal cells divide, forming a new cell is a photocopy of the damaged genetic material. This process happens in our body. Most of the time our bodies have the ability to identify abnormal cells and the balance of this type provider. As an important part of the DNA is destroyed and abnormal cells can not be checked again the form of cancer. All cancer cells have two things in common: more uncontrolled and has the ability to metastasize. Immune system does not recognize cancer cells as foreign or dangerous.

If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.

Although the exact cause of damage to cancer cells that the process is not known (in theory, free radicals cause DNA damage), then the series of events leading to cancer is very complex and each body reacts differently. This is a combination of genetic, behavioral, environmental and lifestyle factors are thought to be involved in normal cells turn into abnormal cells and abnormal in cancer cells.

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009


The best course of action to take sometimes isn't clear until you've listed and considered your alternatives. The following paragraphs should help clue you in to what the experts think is significant.

The following is based on traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic and Western medicine and counseling, and demands of the 100,000 + people. Western medical authority does not scientifically recognize either medicine. He considers them more opinion than fact despite the fact that two billion plus people practices them.

All materials are for general information and should not be considered as medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you need medical care.
Breast cancer strikes one in eight women, mostly in the age of forty. It is a malignant tumor, firm, quiet trail of "never" go away. This is usually pain free. Most of the breast is not cancerous lumps. Lumps that do not move may be caused by normal fibrocystic changes during the menstrual cycle addition to estrogen, which stimulates the growth of cells in the breast and reproductive organs. Cancer is free of the clutter cell growth. Estrogen supplements, poor diet: high protein, high fat, processed foods, smoking, early menstruation before the age of 10 and menopause or after age 55 known factors.

Breast cancer, like most cancer, comes in the form of a tumor. Tumors his blood, fat and protein rich. Protein and fat build and fuel all structure and function, including tumors, cancer. Nobody has ever developed cancer from eating too much fruit, vegetables and cereals. Incidence of cancer (colon and prostate) are highest in the United States, Argentina and other countries tend to eat a high protein, high fat foods, particularly red meat, game, pork, chicken, etc. If your facts are out-of-date, how will that affect your actions and decisions? Make certain you don't let important information slip by you.

Cancer is a disease of cellular-free and acceleration of growth over-nourished by blood, protein and fat, in particular the hormonal treatment (growth hormone) animals. Estrogen (growth hormone) supplements may also be factors. . Caffeine is known that breast cancer maddening. It is an accelerant, stimulants, such as smoking, alcohol and tobacco. Growth that is free of fire control. Coffee, tobacco and alcohol fire accelerants and must be limited. Although there is "no cure for cancer, even though people are healed, there is always the logic. All up and break. Cancer in the starving tumor (colder middle diet, meal plan) low-protein, low fat (vegetarian), cereals, cooked vegetables, herbs, fruit and plants. Essiac Tea is an herbal combination that was successful, but success depends on additional factors: dietary needs discipline, weight, etc.

Please check with your doctor before making changes. .
Chunks of the most dangerous breast cysts. Cysts, abnormal fluid filled sacs found in the breast usually come and go, and sometimes still too long. Fluid sacs are not cancerous because they have no protein or fat, but they can harden. Too much water (eight glasses of water per day, salads, lots of fruit, juices, smoothies, shakes, cold drinks and Susú) usually cause breast lumps, cysts, and poor digestion. Selection of digestion the body, especially the lungs, the chest (heat rises). Weak digestion usually cool and moist (cold condenses) body, the lungs (mucus, sputum), chest (lumps, cysts), stool (loose), thighs (cellulite), stomach, ankles, etc. Cooked food and spices to help remove excess moisture, the cold, damp foods (salads, tropical fruit, milk, cold drinks, etc.). Lumps most dangerous and should be reviewed, but normally is controlled by means of physical examination. A yellow, clear or bloody discharge from the nipple in general show of breast cancer. Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in .

When people start looking for more information about , you'll be in a position to meet their needs.

Jumat, 17 April 2009


The only way to keep up with the latest about is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about , it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.

Breast is a symbol of femininity and female sexuality more than any other part of the culture of women in the United States. This is one of the reasons, beyond the obvious, which caused a lot of attention to breast cancer. Even if the cancer is deemed to contain and it is possible that a woman may also have lost one or both breasts to mastectomy.

No surprises, then breast augmentation is a very popular cosmetic surgery for women of all ages with a sense of confidence and happiness with women's own image. For problems, breast enlargement is a lucrative business and it is important to investigate the reports attempting any form of treatment or procedure.

One of the most common form of treatment that are usually used, the use of pills and creams that claim to the breast size of women by both firmness. However, this pill and cream are marketed under the herbal supplements that may or may not be significant, credible research backing claims.

Most vitamin supplements only, which can provide more robust, but the claim may not strengthen the results of your search. Testimonials are often followed by an action such as "results not typical".

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about . But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

There are a number of chemical substances, called phytoestrogens, which have been shown to women hormones leading to the increase, but the chemicals are only available in small amount and may or may not lead to the desired results. It is important to realize that all forms of supplements hormone in the body is a drug and should be treated as such. So it is best to consult with your doctor before using a new type of supplement.

Other common practices that extended breast enlargement by plastic surgeon license. This is the type of procedure, type of invasive surgery, but also very common and has a number of side effects. Augmentation to be conducted in approved facilities must be provided for performing such procedures.

Operations are carried out by the surgeons, a physician for several years residency for breast augmentation. Augmentation of course much more expensive than the pill or cream, but the results faster and more durable.

This is also done and supervised by a medical skills, where the pill and cream should not be. Average cost of the implants can be $ 3000 - $ 4000, depending on the type of planting. There are several ways a surgeon and may you have a choice.

To start your breast augmentation surgery, you need an appointment with your doctor, who will go through why you are looking for improvements. The doctor will tell you what can be done in a reasonable and what you can expect from the operation and after.

It is important to your doctor with a complete medical history to obtain a full assessment. At that time, your doctor will be able to answer any questions you may have, including the possibility of pregnancy, lactation, and other situations that may affect you after the operation.

Hopefully the sections above have contributed to your understanding of . Share your new understanding about with others. They'll thank you for it.

Selasa, 14 April 2009


If you have even a passing interest in the topic of , then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of .

There are two new reports by cancer prevention specialists at Moores Cancer Center, Univsrsity of California, shows that vitamin D in the new rules in May to prevent up to half of all cases of breast cancer.

A study published online in the current issue of the Journal of steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The data from two previous studies by Harvard Nurses Health Study and the St George's Hospital Study suspected that people with a high 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 25 (OH) D, the lowest incidence of breast cancer.

This research is based on 1760 cases of two people in the study and divided into five groups of the same, the lowest 25 (OH) D less in nanograms per milliliter of 13, the highest group with 52 nanograms per milliliter.

"Data is very clear, showing that individuals in the group with low blood levels had the highest rate of breast cancer and breast cancer rates dropped as the blood of 25-hydroxyvitamin D increased," said study co-author Cedric Garland, Dr.PH " level of the serum in a 50 percent reduction in the risk can be managed with 2000 international units of vitamin D3 daily plus, when weather permits, spending 10 to 15 hours per day in the Sunday "

But women are warned not to walk and begin supplementing their diet. There may be other factors in this study. Meanwhile, reports that apply, and research is strong, only 1760 people from all parts of the population.

"Meta-analysis is a tool for trends that may not be visible in a study," said co-author Sharif B. Mohr, MPH "Pooling of independent but similar studies for precision, and thus the confidence level findings."

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about . But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

The author recommends further research to study individuals for the effect of vitamin D from sunlight, diet and supplements on cancer risk.

Dose-response data on 1448 people in the study were put in order by serum 25 (OH) D and then divided into five groups of same, from the lowest levels of blood to the highest.

Co-author Edward D. Gorham, Ph.D said: "We project a two-thirds reduction in incidence with serum levels of 46ng/ml, which corresponds to a daily feed of 2000 IU vitamin D3. This will be achieved with the best combination of diet, supplements and 10 to 15 minutes per day in the Sunday "

Vitamin D3 is available through diet, supplements and exposure to sunlight or UV-B (UVB) until the skin is not tan or burn. In white women, only 10 minutes at midday on a clear day, with 50 percent of the exposure of the skin in order to provide sufficient vitamin D. Darker skin need to 25 minutes.

It is important to eat a balanced diet. Vitamin D linked to calcium absorption, so an overdose Akan disrupt the balance and can lead to depletion of a vitamin.

Advanced reporting and measured vitamin D is the possibility of colorectal cancer and found similar results.

It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest on . Compare what you've learned here to future articles so that you can stay alert to changes in the area of .


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